
Monday, May 19, 2014

Listening Skill

It was somewhere around 11 O'clock  on a Saturday night. The only source of light that lit the hall was fifteen-inch screen of my laptop.

It was then I felt like something was moving at the far end of the room.

It took a moment for me to realize that, that was my mother who was waving at me to get my attention!

What the heck!

 “Mom, you scared me!” clicking the pause button of YouTube I continued “I thought you fell asleep a few hours ago!”

“Do you have any idea how many times I called you, son?” clearly ignoring my comments “What are you concentrating so hard at, anyway?” she was sarcastic even in that half-asleep mood.

Then, considering the gravity of the situation, I removed my earphones and answered her

“It is a video-training, mom, on Advanced Listening Skill!”

She said nothing else as she closed the door of the room behind her!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sun of a Beach, Mountain and more!

I am not a big fan of gold… But certainly, I feel like I have an obsession for shades of golden color. 

Perhaps, that is the reason I get tempted to capture sunset and sunrise, every time I see it!

Also, the fact that, I have an Obsessive Compulsion Disorder of clicking pictures against the light, is not helping me much either!

Well, I am bit embarrassed, if those lines sounded like coming from a professional photographer. Because, I know, obviously, I do not possess those skills! But the point here is, you know, one should write some tricky-catchy-cheesy lines before posting some pictures!

Anyways, let me come to the point… Here are some of the pictures I clicked with the theme of sunset or sunrise.

Ontario Mills, Ontario, CA

Interstate 184, CA

Parade of Mickey and Friends at Disneyland Park, CA

Some building at Disneyland!

Sunrise at Mangalore International Airport, KA, India

Near Covina, CA, USA

Badikodi House, Karnataka, India

View from Rabindra Setu, Kolkata, India

My darling FZS, near IGATE Knowledge Park, Mumbai, India

Bekal Beach, Bekal, Kerala, India

IGATE Knowledge Park ,Navi Mumbai, India

Interstate 5, CA, USA

Ontario, CA,USA

Ontario, CA, USA

Interstate 184, CA, USA

Ft. Agnels playground, Vashi, Navi Mumbai

If you like any/some/all of the photos, the credit solely goes to me. If you don’t like it, hey, blame my old mobile phone camera for it!!! Wow! Quite impolite, isn't that? So, add these words at the end there – ‘Just kidding!’

Saturday, May 10, 2014

With Pictures, From Disneyland!

Hey… Hold on!

Don’t close the tab!

For once, this blog post does not contain any potentially harmful philosophy or jaw-dropping (yeah, I mean to say yawning) story!

I am dedicating this page to post a few clicks from recent visit to Disneyland. Nevertheless, viewer discretion is advised as it may contain pictures taken from unusual angles or framing.

Just a few words though… Why am I publishing this post just with photos? There are two reasons!

First, I am desperate to post something and get attention of handful readers of this blog.
Second, well… please refer to the first one!

Alright, let’s cut the crap and get back to the ‘agenda’. Here we go…

This one clicked at the entrance of Disneyland. Hey, No, I was not trying to be creative with the angle here. I was just trying to avoid some clueless human-heads popping up at the bottom of frame, trust me!

Quite colorful, isn't it? It has to be, because that is one of the selling points in this business model, I feel.

I like the color of the sky, do you?

They definitely have an eye for even minute details like this! Artistic angle even for direction-board!  

Hmmm... Here, the sun may set, but the fun never will! 

What, did you just ask me where are Mickey and Friends? Yeah, they were there in the parade. But I really was concentrating on the event rather than clicking pictures. I missed out on that part, did not miss the fun though.

Just before winding up, I would like to mention here that, all the pictures were taken with my two-year old Sony Xperia Sola. Oh boy, I am proud of this device... I really am!