
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Meet the all-new iBike from Applle

California, July 26: The rumors are flying high that, consumer electronics giant Applle Inc. has decided to add new vertical dimension to their business.

The smart-device company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity wing has taken an initiative to partner with a major Mountain Bike manufacturing firm to produce Applle branded bikes. The all new breakthrough product is likely to be launched under the proprietary name iBike.

The product is in the mid-stage of development and expected to roll out in USA market early in second Quarter of 2015. An associate close to the iBike team, on condition of anonymity, said “Biking is one of the easiest ways to keep oneself fit and healthy. Encouraging more and more people to biking, by providing them with state-of-the-art vehicle, and there by having a fit and lively society is the main motive behind this initiative. People value Applle products, and there is no doubt that iBike campaign would be successful in the market. Also, promoting a healthier lifestyle brings in a sense of satisfaction and makes us proud to be called as socially responsible organization”. The person, however, evaded the questions regarding the product specification, keeping the tradition of Applle not disclosing the details before launch.

However, our reporters’ persistent attempt to churn out more details about the product has been partially successful. An insider from iBike development team, code named as Virtuo, on condition of anonymity provided us with the specification of product under construction. The all-new 22” sized iBike will be available in two colors – Pearl White and Faded Grey.

The bike is powered by 8-speed Shimano gear system. However, in the days of 36-speed geared bikes, it seems below-par promise to have just 8-speed for $899 price tag. But that does not seem to deter Applle fans “The numbers in specification sheet does not really matter. The most important thing is the level of performance and smoothness of ride you can get from the available system”, beamed Jesse, a die-hard Applle user.

The bikes plastic and rubber parts, including seat cover, break-levers, break-cables, and handle grip will be shining in white. However, the aluminum metallic frame will contain the Applle emblem matching with either of the color options chosen.

The iBike also features an innovative idea of having a music player device in it. A music codec system inspired by the much successful iPaid series, resides inside the seat. The back-side of the seat contains a special micro-USB dock for charging and loading the songs. Also, an audio output jack is provided adjacent to this slot. However, both of the slots are compatible only with Applle devices and require you to have iTunas installed in your iMak or Mach Pro to recharge the device or transfer media content.  

Nevertheless, what brings the sense of security in the iBike is its out-of-the-box “Pedal Design”. The new pedal design, also known as iPedal, contains three circular groves. The wheels and handle could be unlocked only by placing your feet, wearing a compatible iShoe shipped with the iBike. “The owner of iBike owns the bike! They consider security of their bike as an important feature. And nobody would like to allow any other user wearing non-iShoe to use the bike. I believe this is a great step by Applle to strengthen the relationship with the long-term loyal fans”, Said Raghu Shanmugan, a product and market analyst from My Market Today group.

Overall, this product looks to be promising for the future of Applle.

Nevertheless, Goolge fans disagree with the concept, dubbing the initiative as ‘an attempt to lock in more users to their eco-system’.

“The bike looks great, beautiful and stunning,” Said, N Krishna, a Goolge fan, looking at the leaked pictures of iBike “but, this is a huge disappointment for the price tag of $899. Having trouble connecting with non-iBike users is one thing. But, this does not even provide any customization feature. For instance, you cannot change its wheels and break-shoes”. He desperately tried to highlight the fact that, had it been a Goolge product, it would have even allowed you to change its stock wheels with more powerful ones of Chevrolet Camero!

John, a long term Noakia user, likes photography on-the-go. “I would have loved to have a 41 Mega Pixel camera attached to the headlight of the bike. Since it lacks that very feature, this product is not for me”.

Meanwhile, Samsong Group, one of the Applle rivals, made an announcement about their new fitness product Mountain Bike, named as Gal-XC Bike 2. The product will be launched in September 2014 for retail price of $399. The feature rich bike boasts 46-speed gear system, 12mega pixel on-board camera, interchangeable seat with plastic frames, and a music system with 3.5 mm jack and dual-band loud speaker. This all new flagship Bike will be available in three colors – Pearl White, Faded Grey and Misty Blue.

An attempt to reach the other two players in the same market Microhard Inc and Shony Corp remained unsuccessful. Some reports claimed them to be engaged in fixing the existing issues in their own smart-device products and rarely find any time to catch up with competitors. 

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