
Monday, March 24, 2014

Sugarcane Juice: Episode 01

Chapter 1


He is anxiously waiting for her to complete typing from her side.

‘Oh, why cannot this WhatsApp show me the text being typed, instead of just showing status?’

Each second is passing like minutes for him and longing to see the status change from ‘Typing’ to ‘Online’. Pritam had just got into Yellow Cab from Loss Angeles International Airport, as he messaged Sanika about that surprising incident! 

He is sure to get some exciting reply from her. After all, she has been his mentor, a guide, a philosopher, and not to mention – a genuine friend who always wishes for his good! Simply put, he treats her on par with his family members! 

‘Well, take your own time to compose it, madam!’ screen-locked his phone talking to himself. He leaned back in the comfortable backseat of the cab; beaming with that proud feeling of rediscovering the special day he unknowingly craved for!

Happiness triggers more happiness! As if to respect that unwritten rule of universe, his mind started to play-back those nice times! 

Chapter 2

It was about a year ago that life took a different turn for Pritam. Till then, he was just a normal Software Engineer, coming to office, doing what he knew best – work hard, and go home! That was all; a routine. 

Though he really liked to get glued to his computer, the best part of the day for him, unquestionably, was the Lunch Hour. That enviable lunch group had everything in it to revitalize the tiring brain.

Nobody knew why it was being called Lunch ‘Hour’. An hour, by any means, was not enough for them to finish all those chitchats, laughter, gossips and pulling each other’s leg; drawing others ire when they returned to their workstations!

‘Holding up that piece of roti won’t help you, Pritam. You need to eat it!’ Sanika was quick to shoot a light sarcasm. 

‘Arr... What...’ took his eyes off queue at food counter ’Well, You needn’t shout like that!’ he retorted as he came to his senses! 

‘It was the third time I called you, dear!’ Sanika responded with a winning smile. The group was at its usual best to laugh out loud; embarrassing him further. Pritam had few options but to concentrate on his food!

But he could not resist himself from stealing a glance, again, from that charming girl in the queue!

No, it was not ‘love at first sight’ or anything of that kind for him. It was just that he felt something different about that short-statured beauty. He was struggling hard to find out ‘what is unique about that young lady?’ 

The way with which she was consciously moving from billing-desk to serving-counter showed she was new to the place. ‘Wow, art of deduction is very easy!’ he thought to himself feeling really silly!

He wanted to keep looking at her to get an answer, for that newly popped up million dollar question – ‘what is unique about her?!’ 

In real life, circumstances could not favor you all the time. 

The group had already finished their lunch and getting up to leave. He was reluctant to even move from his seat then. 

‘Bhai, enough for today! Don’t scare her away now!’ it was now Raghav’s turn to take a lighthearted jibe.

‘What is wrong with these guys? I haven’t even spoken a word about that girl. Am I being so obvious?’ wondered Pritam as he joined the departing group.


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