
Friday, March 28, 2014

Sugarcane Juice: Episode 05

Chapter 7

‘Good luck for Monday!’ said Sanika taking the juice-tray from their familiar Aunty of Sweet Zuse.

Next day – Saturday – Pritam and Anish were to catch train to Bengaluru for their paper presentation event. 

‘Thanks!’ acknowledged Pritam, clad in new t-shirt on his birthday. But he was quickly searching for grey-eyes!

Surprise again! She was sitting alone, without her regular companion, near the sandwich shop.

That was not the part of surprise, but her attire was! She was in a perfect ethnic outfit that day! It was surprising for many reasons! One, it was Friday and few people missed the opportunity to wear casual dress! Two, all these while, Pritam had observed very typical of her – she was seen wearing business-formal wear most of the days! So much so that he could not imagine seeing her in ethnic wear!

He looked at her; his eyes wide open! He was not good enough to understand the type, pattern, or design of the cloth. All he knew was she looked amazing! Rest did not matter to him!

‘That is Bandhani,’ said Sanika instinctively ‘her dress!’

Just a smile was Pritam’s reply as he continued to enjoy the sugar cane juice with renewed taste!

‘Happy Birthday, boy!’ Sanika started ‘Raghav’s trick seems to be working!’

He glanced at her once, before turning his eyes again towards Sanika.

‘Somebody knows that it is your Birthday!’ winked Sanika ‘and the best part, she is waiting alone there!’

‘It cannot be true!’ Pritam replied with mixed emotions, though he wished it was true!

‘Yeah, cannot be true’ faking a sad-look Raghav joined in ‘but I saw her glancing at you a few times already!’

Pritam could not believe with what was happening around. However, for inexplicable reasons, he was not ready to accept that she was waiting for him.

As they kept discussing the possibilities with all permutation and combination, grey-eyed beauty got up from her seat and headed straight to Sweet Zuse where they were standing!    
‘Aunty, one ginger-flavored’ she placed her order standing right behind Pritam and group. He heard her voice for the first time! Not sure how that sounded to others, but for Pritam, it was the sweetest he had ever heard! 

She kept staring blankly at the vending machine as the juice was being prepared. Sanika and Raghav seemed restless! 

Both of them gesturing to Pritam ’Talk to her, NOW!’ obvious from their body-language though they did not speak it out.

He was not in a state to react though. Various emotions were dancing down in his heart, making him physically stand-still! He failed to figure out what was he feeling at that moment – Happy that she responded! Nervous to talk to her! Proud that somebody valued him! Guilty of putting someone into this, without even knowing her name! Excited that all these were happening in real! Mistrust because of swiftness of the events!

Even before he could think of anything, he certainly lost those golden moments! She was having last sip and about to leave!

Sanika and Raghav were really puzzled at his response or the lack of it.

Just when they thought she was about to leave, as she was putting the used-cup into dustbin, she stood back and started checking out her phone!

Both of Pritam’s friends were growing impatient as if all these happening with their own lives.

Not them, but the level of rapport between them to be blamed for that!

Still confused and not into the normal self, Pritam started to move, signaling others to join, as if all these were not about him! Now they gave up and decided to leave the place.

While those grey eyes were still on the screen of her blue-cased smartphone, Pritam left the place without realizing that he would not be seeing her for next few days!


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