
Friday, March 7, 2014

"Missing" - Train of vague thoughts

© Naveen Bhat

What does “missing” mean?

Google search returns number of results – a huge list and it spans over two pages!

Screen print of 'Google Search' for the meaning of "missing"! 

However, I find this particular part of the list – shown in the picture above – interesting!

If you think you miss someone, some group of people, or somebody’s company, that would be true for that moment. Would be true for that day, would be true for tomorrow. But, for how long this feeling would hold its place?

We all get busy with our lives. There are days when we don’t even find time – or we don’t care to find time – to love ourselves!

So, to be realistic, nobody misses anybody for too long!

Obviously, exceptions are everywhere. With due respect to such special cases and viewing this topic from general point of view, “missing” is a feeling that has lot to do with our own emotions, rather than the actual person being missed!

Someday, in real world, that feeling would cease to exist! Life goes on. Time passes by. But that does not mean dear ones would be forgotten. That is, “forgetting” is totally different than “not missing”. Someone could still have those good old memories about a person or place or those nice times spent, without really “missing” the same!

Thinking on the same line, to slightly balance the confusing points discussed above, I modified a famous quote (No offence to the original quote and the legend who said it).

You can miss all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot miss all the people all the time!

Doesn't that sound logical? Or am I just being insensitive, unemotional, or simply – being naive? 

Possible! But, these are just the random thoughts that came across my mind when I saw that pigeon sitting alone in that corner!

Phew! How many thoughts behind a crappy photo! It really sounds like this piece of writing “misses” a rational mind!

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