
Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Cocktail

I don’t know whether the inspiration to do something different, something special and something unique comes only when we have our backs-to-the-wall. But what I am sure is that, the situation certainly motivates us to bounce back strongly and show the worth.

Show the worth to whom? To the people who hate you? To the people who love you? To the masked faces which want your downfall? None! We hit back in the face of adversities just to prove our worth to ourselves! Nothing else really matters.

Does that sound slightly self-centered? Not always!

Being selfish to me means that you have to look out for yourself and you don't have to sacrifice.

Hence, at times, it is good to be selfish and keep smiling rather than being generous and repenting it later for ignoring our own happiness!

Speaking of inspiration in bad times, it is not just confined to getting motivated to be successful. It is also about being resolute to stick to our own moral values and ethics!

“A person's ethics and character are not tested in good times. It is only in bad times that a person shows how steadfast he is to his dharma.”
- ‘The Immortals of Meluha’ by Amish

Yeah, thanks for asking this question! Why did I mix up motivation, selfishness and ethics here? Well, the theory goes like this...

It does not harm us when we tend to be considerate and helpful to others. 

However, the misery really begins to set in when we, unknowingly, try to tug others’ problem on to us! It, consequentially, makes us a part of the problem, even though our well-intentions were to solve it in the first place! And that’s a nasty and woeful situation to be in! That’s where the things start to go in wrong way for us. That’s when every action we take turns disastrous, every word we speak gets perceived as hate-speech, and every situation becomes suffocating!

Phew! Good enough to obscure the path to our own happiness, aren't they?

To make the matters worse, the people who approached us for help or the people whom we tried to help, start to treat us as the kingpin of all the calamities! That, naturally, does push us into the zone of undeserved remorseful-mindset.

Gloominess triggers more gloominess! Our brain starts to replay the ‘past events’, albeit flavored with bitterness, to make it a perfect definition for ‘Avalanche Effect’ of bad feelings!

Now, it becomes our turn to sit flabbergasted; wondering what, when, where, and how things went wrong!

Looking at the situation from third-person’s point of view, one neither need ‘five-why technique’ nor ‘Fish-bone Diagram’ to reach to the root-cause of this situation! Quite obviously, it all started when we failed to show little bit of selfishness!

As one of my mentors, with whom I share a great amount of rapport, keeps saying – ‘If you are willing to help others, just show them the path, don’t walk it for them!’

In other words, being unselfish and kind to others with proper control on emotions is perfectly acceptable. We should just know where and when to draw the lines!

So, to sum it up, being ‘motivated’ to be kind-hearted with a pinch of ‘selfishness’, but without contrasting with our own good ‘ethics’, to keep control on the unnecessary emotional-attachments would serve as perfect cocktail to be happy and to stay morally energized!

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